Saturday, March 28, 2009

Binyam Mohammed Interview

This is the audio for the recent interview of Binyam Mohammed, a British resident recently freed from Guantanamo Bay by another former prisoner, Moazzam Begg, who I was lucky enough to see speak a month of so ago.

U.S. citizens need to hold our leaders to account, because this kind of bullshit is not what I vote for every two years, regardless of party.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Kebab fury

I'm still here trucking along, friends. My connection to reality suffered a lapse for a few weeks due to a cavalcade of the unexpected unknown and unfortunate, but adventures have continued nonetheless.

Wales had over a week of beautiful, warm sunshine, which I got to really enjoy the tail end of in my own fashion. There were nights of searching and arguments about life, creativity, and how to interpret Hunter S. Thompson. There was sitting in the park reading On The Road and being distracted by all the happy dogs racing around in the sunshine. One particularly beautiful boxer caught my eye. If he hadn't been so clearly in ecstasy to be racing back and forth in Bute park, I might've been afraid of him -he was big, muscular and brown, like a larger male version of my cousins' old boxer, Zelda. His owner and two female friends were playing games with him; hide and seek, fetch, and all the rest. It's good to stop and watch the animals sometimes, even the dumb stumbling pigeons that I'm always worried are going to shit on me while I walk under the train bridge.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

"0 to tasty in seconds: Rustlers"

Just yards away from the library entrance, I received a petition, a Socialist Newspaper and a free microwave cheeseburger at the same time.

Strange Times at TESCO

Standing in line to pay the few pounds for my Hoisin Duck wrap I overheard a group of girls discussing the pros and cons of freezing bread. "I was against it for the longest time! Like it would turn to poison!" I, caught in the midst of this exchange, remark that this is the most extreme bread concern I'd ever heard.

"Well," she replies, "My flatmate is also convinced that if you put a banana peel in the freezer, it will grow into a new banana."

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Seems like Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner's in a little hot water these days.
Is it because of his past ties to AIG?



Is it because he's MOLOCH THE MAGNIFICENT!?


Take a look, guys. I know. TERRIFYING. I, like everyone else, thought that Moloch had been iced by Ozymandias, but it seems that now, by some strange twist of fate and a change of identities, he has made his way into the Obama Administration.

Where's Dr. Manhattan when you need him...

Oh yeah. Mars.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tyrannies of time & space

This term was used today in my Politics and Journalism lecture. Although the conversation was on the function of Vox Pops in the news media, it applies neatly to the situation this week. Wales, land of fog, mystery and VodkaRedbull has become freakishly sunny and wonderful. It's beautiful thing. Flowers are out, the air smells like opportunity and everything's cool.

This is not the week to be stuck inside finishing essays.

The forcast says it's gonna be like this through the weekend. Uh oh...

I'm ready for the country. It's time to go.

Sidenote: Best quote from a recent dream: "You've got a move about Ace Frehly."
My subconscious is awesome.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The one where I steal Donald's format

Week: ?

Kebabs: Way, way too many

When faced with the prospect of sitting in my room for another night working on my papers, I voted no. Kevin had mentioned another "happy hour" with the Canadian Law crew and, having avoided social distraction for a whole week (my guitar is enough to distract me for hours. I can now play a Chris Bell song almost perfectly) I headed down to Royal Orleans.

I t sounds like this is going somewhere, doesn't it? Not so, apart from having a very nice night with good people.

Fun Fact: I ate at a Kebab Shop called The Chicago Bulls about half an hour ago. No shit.

I miss you guys. Keep it real. Play safe.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Sorry, Hannah

...but there's not a whole lot to report about Cardiff this week. I've been spending a lot of time staring at this very screen writing the essays that will allow me to stay here for the rest of the semester. I'll start having adventures again in the next few week. Promise.

Also, drop me a line if you want. I've done some cool stuff, but I don't bother putting it all in here because...ya know...I'm doing things.

The Eastern European transcendentals who give away free hats in Bute Park story is better as a folk tale than recorded fact anyway.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


It's always a good idea to tell the people who you love that you love them. It's impossible to know what's going to happen.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
