Sunday, April 26, 2009

the hard-bop saxophone in last night's dream turned out to be a seagull outside my window

Projects to consider this week:

1) Thesis proposal. Going with the summer romantic comedy, but is there really a plot? Getting there. Of course the minute I start working on that synopsis I get great ideas for a completely unrelated project and write a summary for that instead. Anyone interested in the possibility of portraying a sloppy drunk in an 80's punk band sometime in the next decades should send inquiries this way.

2) Jog? The weather's been nice & I've been lazy. Full English breakfasts, man...

3) Schoolwork. I've been informed via the paper-mail that I've got some papers and exams coming up. Ever ready, I will rise to the challenge and hopefully bring some Positive Mental Attitude along with me this go-round.

4) Project babyface. After being let down over and over again by the BIC corporation's inferior 2 bladed products I've made the big jump. 5 blades. Fuck you, stubble.

5) [fill in the blank]


Friday, April 24, 2009

Here Today

It's been a while - a month - hasn't it?

I've traveled far and wide, from Barcelona, to London, to Amsterdam, to Berlin and all the way back again, and then up to St. Andrews (because I didn't feel as though I'd spent enough time sitting in trains) just to round things out. Too many stories to tell and moments to relay form the past month, but it was good. The company of Mr. Budge was a welcome change from the Cardiff blur, and it was great to see THE SNUGE as well as the Connalum triumvirate or AubreyNickBen in Alemania.

Next up, my parents visited. It was a good time, and I'll miss them 'til I see them next. A day trip to Oxford revealed the thousand and one facts, figures and crossbeams of the ancient university. And good weather all around!

Now the first wave of trips and visits has ended, so I'm heading back into the Uni mode of papers and (gulp) exams, with some more screenplay workings thrown in for flavo(u)r. Music, too. I went through my demo snippets today and I foresee some good things coming together with musically inclined friends all over.

End stretch. Get a good night's sleep. I love and miss all of you.