Monday, February 9, 2009

Short Pointless Monday Update

The economy is fucked. The government is still blowing people up. Dick Cheney refuses to disappear.

And today's best video headline: Obama Bumps his Head.

In a perfect world, I'd just start reading New York Times, but CNN is too alluring. They're widely viewed and somewhat acceptable in their coverage...and then entire months go by where the top story is Anna Nicole Smith dying.

There's a film society fancy dress (read: costume) party on valentines day with the theme "famous couples." Since I don't really know anyone in this town (and I don't think Declan's up for it) I've been trying to think of something appropriate that I can do on my own. The best option so far is Eric Cartman and Jennifer Lopez, but...I don't know. Could I go as both Gavin AND Stacey (British T.V. joke. Sorry, Americans. Just pretend I said 'Dharma AND Greg')? It'll be very positive, either way. I'm hoping I'll find some common ground in the Film Society crowd. The JOMEC PhD Film Club is pretty cool (shout outz) so my intution is that the odds are pretty good. Either way, I've still got the city, the GORGEOUS countryside, my shitty little travel guitar and movies like Role Models to go and see.

Role Models is really funny, if you were wondering. That McLovin guy rules. And most of The State is in it.

1 comment:

  1. Film Soc fancy dress eh?
    Would say i'd be there.
    Playing the Birmingham Lions at Home on Sunday....will be a big killer. But on the positive, i'm in south Wales on Sunday evening/Monday for a last min cancellation appointment with my consultant doctor. So will drop you a line, even if it is just to meet for a coffee/beer.
