Thursday, January 29, 2009

Media overdose survivor

It's a pretty strange time to be an American. My country is going slowly crazy as grown men respond to lost job by blowing away themselves and their nuclear families, immigrants take up refuge under abandoned houses, and things seem generally fucked up. Reading the news on CNN, BBC, New York Times, etc., I'm acutely aware of how lucky I am right now.

I'm also aware that Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich is whining like a child all over network news and the talk show circuit, expecting us all to honestly believe that he is "innocent." Fuck that. I don't even think that Rod himself thinks he's innocent. He wants every American (and probably a handful of curious foreigners) with television or the internet to remember his smarmy face and multi-syllabic surname so that in a few months, after the inevitable signing of the book deal (has this happened yet? Probably) he can make mint on his own oversupply of lameness. It's a time honored tradition, man. Knock yourself out! The Bill O'Reillys, Rush Limbaughs, O.J. Simpsons and, yes, Keith Olbermanns of the world (sorry man - we're in agreement, but you come off as a cartoon) are living proof that if you can bray like a jackass on television for long enough for people to know who you are, you can sell a shitload of books to a nation of "readers" and top the New York Times bestseller list in your sleep i.e. the part of the day when you're not flapping your jaw about whogivesaratsass.

The Economist claims that the number of readers in America is growing. This is actually good news.


Wales is cool.

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